BFOIT - Introduction to Computer Programming
jLogo Programming
- Commanding a Turtle
- Pseudocode
- Adding New Commands
- Iteration & Animation
- Hierarchical Structure
- Procedure Inputs
- Operators & Expressions
- Defining Operators
- Words & Sentences
- User Interface Events
- What If? (Predicates)
- Recursion
- Local Variables
- Global Variables
- Word/Sentence Iteration
- Mastermind Project
- Turtles As Actors
- Arrays
- File Input/Output
- A Java Program
- What's a Class?
- Extending Existing Classes
- Types
- Turtle Graphics
- Control Flow
- User Interface Events
- Jargon
- What Is TG?
- TG Directives
- jLogo Primitives
- TG Editor
- Java Tables
- Example Programs
- Installation Notes
- December 13, 2008
- January 6, 2012
- March 15, 2013
- January 20, 2014
- February 13, 2014
- July 29, 2014
- January 18, 2016
- January 29, 2016
Binary Byte Applet
Binary Byte Simulator |
Test your understanding of binary numbers (the 8-bit byte sized) and how they represent decimal numbers (signed and unsigned) and ASCII characters.
Choose the type of value you want to see generated by clicking the mouse on one of the buttons to the left of the type names.
Click on the switches to construct a byte value. Closed switches are ones and open switches are zeros.
After you tell yourself what the value should be, click on the equals sign to get the program to do the conversion and verify your answer.
Explore... assuming the switches are ordered left-to-right, zero to seven, which single bit/switch's value differentiates upper and lower case characters?
Explore... which switch or switches can you turn on/off to convert between decimal digits and their ASCII representations?