BFOIT - Introduction to Computer Programming

Von Koch Snowflake Program Hint #2

Still stuck?

Here is where we stand.  We have the following procedures

   ; Draw a Von Koch Curve 
   ; level - count of number of times to break a straight line 
   ;         into three parts: left side, middle, and right 
   ;         side.  When equal to zero, simply draw a straight 
   ;         line. 
   ; steps - length of the curve/line drawn in turtle steps  
   to kochCurve :level :steps 
      if equal? :level 0 [forward :steps stop]   
      forward (quotient :steps 3)
      left 60
      forward (quotient :steps 3)
      right 120
      forward (quotient :steps 3)
      left 60
      forward (quotient :steps 3)

   to kochFlake :level :steps
     setheading 30
     repeat 3 [kochCurve :level :steps right 120]   

Let's take a step back.  If we extract the code that draws the level 1 kochCurve into its own procedure, kochCurve1, and fix kochCurve to invoke it, we have the following.

   to kochCurve1 :steps 
      forward (quotient :steps 3)
      left 60
      forward (quotient :steps 3)
      right 120
      forward (quotient :steps 3)
      left 60
      forward (quotient :steps 3)

   to kochCurve :level :steps 
      if equal? :level 0 [forward :steps stop]   
      if equal? :level 1 [kochCurve1 stop]   

Now let's write kochCurve2.  Just to refresh you memory, here are Koch snowflakes for level 1 and level 2.  I've also annotated the level 2 snowflake with one kochCurve from level 1.

For level 2, we need to replace what were straight lines in level 1 with what look like kochCurve1s.  So here is where we stand with a new kochCurve2 and a modified kochCurve.

   to kochCurve :level :steps 
     if equal? :level 0 [forward :steps stop]   
     if equal? :level 1 [kochCurve1 stop]
     if equal? :level 2 [kochCurve2 stop]

   to kochCurve1 :steps 
     forward (quotient :steps 3)
     left 60
     forward (quotient :steps 3)
     right 120
     forward (quotient :steps 3)
     left 60
     forward (quotient :steps 3)

   to kochCurve2 :steps 
     kochCurve1 (quotient :steps 3)   
     left 60
     kochCurve1 (quotient :steps 3)
     right 120
     kochCurve1 (quotient :steps 3)
     left 60
     kochCurve1 (quotient :steps 3)

So writing kochCurve2 wasn't that difficult.  Just as the figure above shows, it simply invokes kochCurve1 in place of the forward command.  We are looking for a pattern that has the appearance of a recursive process and we are on to something here. 

Is writing a kochCurve3 procedure just as simple?  Do we just copy/paste the definition of kochCurver2, change its name and replace kochCurve1 invocations in it with invocations of kochCurve2?  If so, then adding another if instruction to kochCurve would get us a level 3 snowflake!

Try it out...  Here is a modified kochCurve and a new kochCurve3.

   to kochCurve :level :steps 
     if equal? :level 0 [forward :steps stop]   
     if equal? :level 1 [kochCurve1 stop]
     if equal? :level 2 [kochCurve2 stop]
     if equal? :level 3 [kochCurve3 stop]

   to kochCurve3 :steps 
     kochCurve2 (quotient :steps 3)   
     left 60
     kochCurve2 (quotient :steps 3)
     right 120
     kochCurve2 (quotient :steps 3)
     left 60
     kochCurve2 (quotient :steps 3)

It works... doesn't it?  Well, we have a pattern begging for a recursive solution.

We discovered the pattern by...

There is still one exception to the pattern we've uncovered, kochCurve1 does not invoke kochCurve.  It is using forward to draw a straight line.  If you think about it, we could remove the forward commands from kochCurve1.  We know that if we invoke kochCurve with its first input (level) equal to zero, it does the same thing as forward.  Here we go.

   to kochCurve1 :steps 
     kochCurve 0 (quotient :steps 3)   
     left 60
     kochCurve 0 (quotient :steps 3)
     right 120
     kochCurve 0 (quotient :steps 3)
     left 60
     kochCurve 0 (quotient :steps 3)

We are still looking for a way to simplify our program with recursion.  But now you should see the emergence of a pattern. 

Can you figure out how to eliminate kochCurve1 and kochCurve2, and kochCurve3, leaving only kochCurve?  Remember... kochCurve1 came out of kochCurve.

Public Domain Mark
This work (BFOIT: Introduction to Computer Programming, by Guy M. Haas),
identified by Berkeley Foundation for Opportunities in IT (BFOIT),
is free of known copyright restrictions.